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Сам «создал» теорию.

Обсуждение всего что сделано своими руками, модернизация оборудования, телескопостроение и т.д.

Модератор: Ernest

Сообщения: 49
Зарегистрирован: 15 май 2011, 15:05

Re: Сам «создал» теорию.

Сообщение Ущеко » 23 июн 2011, 20:46

PauLita писал(а):
Ущеко писал(а):У них стоит проверить все, вплоть до последней запятой, а не только коэффициенты отражений, которые они в самом лучшем случае, просто не могли ниоткуда взять, так как не связаны с космической техникой.
А ваше упорство, в погонях за мной по всем сайтам, совершенно мне непонятно.
Да они просто последовали за Славой Турищевым:

Viktor T. Toth, Slava G. Turyshev. Thermal recoil force, telemetry, and the Pioneer anomaly, February 27, 2009.
An effort to recover all available Pioneer 10 and 11 data is presently on-going [1, 7]. Before we apply our method to this soon complete data set, it was essential to demonstrate the viability of our method. Notably, we would like to know if it is possible, in principle, to distinguish between a constant sunward acceleration and a thermal recoil force. For this purpose, we built simulated sets of Pioneer 10 Doppler data. In one particular simulation, we used the following fictitious values of a constant acceleration term a0 and thermal coefficients ξe and ξr:
a0 = 2 × 10−10 m/s2, (55)
ξe = 0.3, (56)
ξr = 0.015, (57)
consistent with (54). Furthermore, the simulation utilized actual Pioneer 10 telemetry to model the internal heat of the spacecraft. The simulated data set ran from 1987 to 1998 and contained 13,534 Doppler data points. To make the simulation realistic, Gaussian random noise with σ = 5 mHz was added to the Doppler data. Additionally, a sinusoidal diurnal term and a sinusoidal annual term, both with a peak-to-peak amplitude of 10 mHz, were added to the signal, to simulate possible mismodeling, by effects such as those of the atmosphere on the signal and of the dynamics of the solar system.
Using a simulated Doppler data set and actual Pioneer 10 telemetry, we demonstrated that it is possible in principle to distinguish acceleration due thermal radiation from a constant sunward acceleration term. Newly recovered Doppler data are now available as a result of an extensive data recovery effort [1, 7]. This will allow us to extend our analysis, and verify whether or not the thermal recoil force can account for the anomalous acceleration of Pioneer 10 and 11. These results will be published elsewhere when they become available. We emphasize that the approach presented here, notably the direct utilization of flight telemetry in precision spacecraft navigation codes, has never been attempted before. The approach we describe is applicable not only to the case of Pioneer 10 and 11, but also to the case of present and future spacecraft. One mission in particular that may benefit from this approach is New Horizons, on its way towards an encounter with Pluto in 2015. While presently not used for gravitational research, such investigations could be conducted during its multiyear cruise. If such an investigation is undertaken, it will require accurate estimates of the thermal recoil force due to the waste heat produced by New Horizons’ RTG and electrical equipment.

Знаю я все, однако модель, не означает что оно так и происходит.
Неопределенность эта работа не исключила.

Сергей Ларионов
Сообщения: 1403
Зарегистрирован: 30 сен 2010, 18:18

Re: Сам «создал» теорию.

Сообщение Сергей Ларионов » 23 июн 2011, 21:11

Ущеко писал(а):
Сергей Ларионов писал(а):Тема превратилась в какую то тягомотную фигню, не вижу ни теории ни вообще ничего не вижу, угроза закрытия и сноса этой темы равна 99%

Ничего удивительного, смысла в моих словах и некоторые ученые не рассмотрели...
Стараться надо, а не «фиги крутить».
Тема закрыта.
Предпочитаю наблюдать под Петербургом....
